Five conservative competitors are still competing to become the next British Prime Minister clash because of tax deductions in the second television debate on Sunday, with two pioneers – Rishi Suna and Liz Truss – increasing their battles in the economy.
Without a clear candidate to replace Boris Johnson who resigned after a series of scandals, the battle to become the next leader still could not be predicted and fainted, exposing the cracks in the ruling conservative party.

Former Finance Minister Rishi Sung has emerged as a favorite among 358 conservative parliament members, who will have further votes this week to reduce competitors’ fields into two finals.

He said on Sunday night the number one priority was handling inflation and not worsened before he would provide tax cuts.

Foreign Minister Liz Truss, who has proposed plans to increase the increase in company salaries and taxes at a cost of more than 30 billion pounds ($ 36 billion) per year, said Suna had raised taxes to the highest level in 70 years.

Raising taxes at this time will eliminate economic growth,” he said in a debate, organized by ITV Broadcasters.

Sunda replied by saying he would “like to cut tax” but it would come with higher inflation costs. Economy something that is not nothing is not conservative, this is socialism,” he said.

Junior Minister Penny Mordaunt, who is currently ranked third, also aims at Sakah, said that the public needs “immediate action” to overcome the increasing cost of living.

A Jl Partners’ opinion for telegraph Sunday suggested that almost half of the conservative voters think Sung will become a good prime minister, in front of Truss and Mordaunt.

However, Truss also has extensive support, including those who are the most loyal to Johnson, and Mordaunt has held a survey of 200,000 party members who will ultimately choose the conservative leader and therefore the Prime Minister.

In the demonstration of how open this race, a party member survey for a conservative home website on Saturday suggested that the former Minister of Equality Kemi Badenoch is now in the other front, with the framework in the second and Mordaunt, currently the favorite betting makers, slipped to the third.

It happened after the fifth candidate, Tom Tugendhat, Chair of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee, took the top of the viewer poll after the first TV debate on Friday.

Anyone who gets a job will take a skyrocketing inflation and economic growth, as well as a lack of public trust in politics after the powerful Johnson scandal.

When asked by the moderator, all candidates said they would not hold an immediate election if they won. There is no national election that needs to be held in the UK until 2024.

Thanks for the candidate will be eliminated every day in the next three days, leaving two finals to face the decisions of conservative party members. They will choose the winner to be announced on September 5.