If Ukraine is admitted into theU.S.- led NATO military alliance, also the conflict in Ukraine would be guaranteed to escalate into World War Three, a Russian Security Council functionary was quoted as saying on Thursday.

Just hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin formally placarded the annexation of over to 18 of Ukraine on September 30, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy blazoned a surprise shot for fast- track class of NATO.Full NATO class for Ukraine is far out because all the alliance’s 30 members would have to give their concurrence.

Kyiv is well apprehensive that such a step would mean a guaranteed escalation to World War Three,” TASS quoted Alexander Venediktov, the deputy clerk of Russia’s Security Council, as saying.Venediktov, who’s deputy to Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev, a important Putin supporter, said he felt Ukraine’s operation was propaganda as the West understood the consequences of Ukrainian class of NATO.

The suicidal nature of such a step is understood by NATO members themselves,” he said.President Vladimir Putin has constantly reviled against the United States for driving NATO’s eastward expansion, especially its courting ofex-Soviet democracy similar as Ukraine and Georgia which Russia regards as part of its own sphere of influence.

Putin on September 21 advised the West he wasn’t pretending when he said he’d be ready to use nuclear munitions to defend Russia against what he said was” nuclear blackmail” from major Western powers.

President Joe Biden has said the world faces the biggest threat of nuclear Armageddon since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. NATO is due to hold an periodic nuclear preparedness exercise dubbed” loyal Noon” coming week.

Russia and the United States are by far the biggest nuclear powers they control about 90 of the world’s nuclear warheads.Venediktov said Zelenskiy’s call for preventative strikes against Russia was dangerous, warning that nuclear war would have disastrous consequences for the world.

We must flash back a nuclear conflict will affect absolutely the whole world not only Russia and the collaborative West, but every country on this earth,” Venediktov said.” The consequences would be disastrous for all humanity.”