Dules of Hazzard
The Dukes of Hazzard is a loose American action comedy in the television series of the same name. The film was directed by Jay Chandrasekhar and released on August 5, 2005, by Warner Bros Pictures. The film depicts the adventures of Cousin Bo, Luke, and Daisy, and their uncle Jesse, because they defeated the boss of Commissioner Hazzard Hogg and Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane, as in television series. In addition, this film is the acting debut of pop singer Jessica Simpson.

While successfully successfully with the debut of the opening of 30 million and gross worldwide by 111 million, the film met with negative reviews that are generally from critics. As a result, the film was followed by a direct prequel-by-video titled The Dules of Hazzard: The Beginning (2007). Here you can get detailed information about Dules of Hazzard Cast as follows, which have been listed below in the table, with the name of the character. After that, you can get detailed information about Dules of Hazzard as follows. Now you can find out who Dukes of Hazzard in the following table, with the name of the character.

Dules of Hazzard Cast
The story and script of the author can be made real only through a particular cast or film. Here you can get detailed information about Dules of Hazzard Cast as follows, which have been listed below in the table, with the name of the character. After that, you can get detailed information about Dules of Hazzard.

Cast Name Character Name
Johnny Knoxville Luke Duke
Seann William Scott Bo Duke
Jessica Simpson Daisy Duke
Burt Reynolds Boss Hogg
Willie Nelson Uncle Jesse Duke
David Koechner Cooter Davenport
M. C. Gainey Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane
Michael Weston Deputy Enos Strate
Lynda Carter Pauline
James Roday Rodriguez Billy Prickett
Kevin Heffernan Derek
Nikki Griffin Katie-Lynn Johnson
Jacqui Maxwell Annette
Alice Greczyn Laurie Pullman
Junior Brown The Balladeer
Joe Don Baker Governor Jim Applewhite
Barry Corbin Bill Pullman
Andrew Prine Angry Man
Brendan Schetter RandomStoner
Michael Roof Dil Driscoll

Dules of Hazzard Story
Cousin Bo, Luke, and Daisy Duke run the liquor industry for their uncle Jesse at Hazzard County, Georgia. The main mode of transportation of cousins ​​is the 1969 orange dodge charger. The family was tortured by the corrupt Hazzard Regency Commissioner Jefferson Davis Hogg, very well known as “Boss Hogg,” and his agreed accomplice but smeared, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane. After Rosco made General Lee confiscated after Bo and Luke tried to escape from the daughter of one of their many nountshine customers, Billy Prickett, a favorite stock car driver, entering Hazzard to experience a general meeting. Rosco planted fake liquor

that still existed in Jesse’s uncle’s warehouse and won Duke’s property in a leading domain claim for Boss Hogg, forcing the family to temporarily live with neighbors and the interests of Uncle Jesse’s love, Pauline. Pauline reported to Dukes that Rosco confiscated another agriculture with accusations, so BO and Luke explored local construction sites and found a geological core sample with the benefits of Sheev bait shop owners. Coltrane made the arrangement to win General Lee as “proof” of the local Auto Bodi shop managed by a friend of Duven Davenport Cooter. The last scene showed cooking at Dules’s house where Pauline convinced Uncle Jesse, who could not be seen because she “used meat smokers,” to wake up and play the central theme of television series. Bo and Luke were romantic with the girls in General Lee when they were captured by the welfare of Luke’s love, Laurie Pullman from the opening of the film, which moved to pursue them with a rifle when they left.

Dules of Hazzard Trailer

The main pillars, who worked hard physically and mentally and who brought a script into a motion video and made the viewers attracted are Crew. Here you can get to know the detailed information about the Dukes of Hazzard Crew in the following, which has been listed below in the table.

Dukes of Hazzard Crew Details
Directed by Jay Chandrasekhar
Screenplay by John O’Brien
Story by John O’Brien

Jonathan L. Davis

Produced by Bill Gerber
Cinematography Lawrence Sher
Edited by Lee Haxall

Myron Kerstein

Music by Nathan Barr
Production company Village Roadshow Pictures
Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures