In a support show to Ukraine after the invasion of Russia, French leaders, Germany and Italy met with President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday. This is the first time French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi visited Kyiv after the conflict began this February.
However, the visit of European leaders was considered an empty movement by Russian President’s aide Vladimir Putin Dmitry A. Medvedev. In a spicy record, Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Security Council Vladimir Putin at this time, called the leaders of France, Germany and Italy as “fans of frogs, Liverwurst and and European Spagesi.”

Attacking the leaders in the strongly-publiced ​​tweet, Mr. Medvedev Said, “European Fans of Frogs, Liverwurst and Spaghetti Love Visiting Kyiv. With Zero Use. Promised Eu Membership and Old Howitzers To Ukraine, Lushed Up On Gorilka And Went Home By Train, Like 100 years ago. Everything is fine. However, it will not bring Ukraine closer to peace. Jam beats. “

Previously, Medvedev accused the US of triggering “disgusting” russophobia throughout the world. That will not work – Russia has the power to place all our impudent enemies in their place,” he said.

Kyiv’s visit to European leaders came when Ukraine looked for more weapons, even when Russia took greater control over Donbas in Southeast Europe. At the end of this month, European Union member countries were also determined to make decisions about the nomination of the Ukraine European Union in connection with the prolonged conflict and the country’s sustainable demand to join the economic and political unions.

In showing support to Ukraine, the West has expanded military assistance to Kyiv. In addition, several countries have also issued sanctions on the Putin government and reviewed their dependence on Russian energy.