Former US President Donald Trump slammed an investigation led by the US Congress into the riots of Hill 2021 Capitol on Monday and called the panel “ridicule of justice” and “Kangaru Court hopes to distract Americans from the great pain they experience.”

Trump said this was in his first reaction which was expanded to the Monday night investigation, with a blabber 12 -page statement.

Appearing in the previously recorded deposition at the congress session on the 2021 attack on the US Capitol, former Attorney General Bill Barr described his boss at that time had no interest in the facts that eliminate his baseless narrative.

I was demoralized because I thought, son … he was separated from the fact that he really believed this,” Barr told the DPR Committee who investigated the January 6 rebellion by Trump’s supporters.

When I discussed this and I would tell him how crazy some of these accusations were, there was never an indication of interest in the real facts,” said Barr, who equated greeting Trump’s fake accusation by playing the game “WHack -A -Tahu Flies.”

The panel held six hearings throughout June to describe the case that the riots in the US democratic seat in Washington were the culmination of the seven -step conspiracy by Trump and the inner circle to cancel his defeat from Joe Biden.

Trump ignored repeated warnings from the top aides of the incorrect in the November 2020 election claim, according to the testimony announced by the panel.

We will tell the story of how Donald Trump loses elections – and knows he lost the election – and as a result of his loss, decided to carry out attacks on our democracy,” said Democrat Chair Committee Bennie Thompson in it the opening statement.

The second of the six sessions planned was displayed video footage recordings from the former president’s advisor, including Barr and Bill Stepien campaign manager, said they repeatedly advised him not to declare victory on the eve of the election because he did not win – but Trump continued to advance.

Deputy Thompson Di Panel, a member of the Republican Parliament Liz Cheney, said Trump chose to listen to the advice of a former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani “who seemed to only win, and insisted that the calculation of voting stopped – to mistakenly claim everything wrong “to be mistakenly” mistakenly “to be mistakenly” to be mistakenly “to be mistakenly” to be mistakenly “to wrongly claim wrongly” mistakenly “mistakenly” to be mistakenly “to mistakenly” for mistakenly “to misunderstand wrongly” mistakenly “to be wrong” to be mistakenly “to be mistakenly” to wrongly claim wrongly mistakenly” to be mistakenly “to be mistaken” to misunderstandly ” wrong “to be mistakenly” for a field “for a field” for a field “to wrongly claim S all fraud. “

Trump began to push what came to be known as his “big lie” around 2:30 a.m. on November 4, 2020, prematurely declared victory on the Election Eve he finally lost to Biden with seven million votes.

Barr said in his testimony that Trump claimed a big fraud “directly from the box on the night of the election … before there was the potential to see evidence.”

Giuliani and colleagues including lawyers Sidney Powell will continue to encourage the theories of massive voter frauds that make them disagree with the lawyer of the White House Stepien called Normal Team.”

Cheney highlighted the “far conspiracy”-was stopped as “bullshit” by Barr-from fraud involving a voting machine “with the dead Venezuelan communist suspected of pulling a rope.”

Democrats created a narrative of January 6 to reduce the truth that was far greater and more important that the 2020 election was cheated and stolen,” he said.