The Taliban government in Afghanistan has shared a statement about the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and calls for restraint by all parties. It also urges all stakeholders to resolve sustainable conflicts through peace facilities”.

The Afghan Islamic Emirates greatly monitored the situation in Ukraine and expressed concern about the real possibility of civilian victims. The Islamic Emirates called for restraint by both parties. All parties need to stop taking a position that can intensify violence,” read a statement released by the Afghan Foreign Ministry.

By stating that it was “in line with foreign neutrality policies”, the Taliban government called for Ukraine and Russia to resolve the crisis through dialogue and peaceful ways.

A few months ago, Islamic militants had made a similar military attack and seized power in the Capital of Afghanistan Kabul. On August 15 last year, the Taliban had taken over the Afghan Presidential Palace when the elected government Ashraf Ghani fell after withdrawal of US troops after 20 years.

Meanwhile, at least 198 people have died and more than 1,000 have been injured in the latest conflict in Ukraine. Internet connectivity has been greatly affected in Ukraine, especially in the southern and eastern part of the country where the battle was brought to the streets, the word Internet Blockage Netblocks Observatorium.

So far, on the third day of the invasion, Russian troops have won the city of Southeast Ukrainian Melitopol. In addition, Moscow has launched a coordinated and artillery cruising missile attack in several cities in neighboring countries, including the capital of Ukraine Kyiv.